ارگان معماری می نویسد: کلید های میانبر کارایی زیادی در نرم افزار ها دارند و از جهتی سرعت استفاده از نرم افزار را افزایش داده و کار با آن را نیز آسان می سازد. در این مقاله برخی از کلید های میانبر نرم افزار های پرکاربرد را خدمت بینندگان ارائه می دهیم امید است در جهت استفاده عزیزان موثر واقع شود.
Ctrl+o=open file
Ctrl+c=copy object
Ctrl+x=cut object
Ctrl+v=past object
Ctrl+q=quick close
Ctrl+a=select all object
Ctrl+t=new tab
Ctrl+u=polar( on, off)
Ctrl+d=dynamic ucs( on,off )
Ctrl+g=grid( on,off )
Ctrl+l=ortho( on,off )
Ctrl+b=snap( on,off )
Ctrl+2=design center
Ctrl+9=close command line window
Ctrl+o=full screen window
اسنفاده از این کلید ها سرعت ترسیم را فوق العاده بالا می برد. با
ارگان معماری همراه باشید
CTRL+O = Open file
CTRL+N = New file
CTRL+W = Close file (wa tch out for not mixing with CTRL+Q!!)
CTRL+S = Save file
FT+S = Save file As
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S = Save for web
CTRL+Q = Quit photoshop
CTRL+A = Select all
CTRL+D = Deselect
CTRL+E = Merge Down (more about layers later on..)
CTRL+R = Rulers visible (the things you drag guidelines out from..)
CTRL+T = Transform selection (Scale and rotate..)
CTRL+U = Change image Hue, Saturation and Lightness
CTRL+I = Inverse
CTRL+F = Repeat last used filter
CTRL+K = Preferences
CTRL+L = Levels
CTRL+Z = Undo (something you just can
´t live without. Fact.)
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+B = Color balance
CTRL+M = Curves
CTRL+Space = Zoom In
CTRL+ALT+Space = Zoom Out
D = Set Colors to Default
X = Change Foreground color with Background color
اين کليد ها رو هم حتما بعد از اينکه کليدهاي بالا رو حفظ شديد ! ياد بگيريد... کارايي زیادی دارند
CTRL+SHIFT+E = Flatten image
ransform again
detail line DL
spot elevation EL
aligned dimension DI
tag by category TG
text TX
Door DR
window WN
Wall WA
Grid GR
Model line LI
Room RM
Tag room RT
exclude EX
restore excluded member RB
repeat last command RC
select all instances In
entire project SA
cancle CG
finish FG
restore all excluded RA
unhide element EU
unhide category VU
reveal hidden element RH
edit witness lines EW
level LL
refrence plane RP
create group gp
place a component CM
model line LI
sun setting SU
project units UN
Match properties MA
create similar CS
paint PT
split face SF
align AL
array AR
copy co # cc
delete De
mirror _ draw axis Dm
mirror _ pick axis mm
move mv
offset OF
pin Pn
rotate ro
splite elemenet sl
extend tr
unpin up
hide element eh
linework lw
hide in view vh
Sub-object level 1 1
Sub-object level 2 2
Sub-object level3 3
Sub-object level4 4
environment dialog toggle 8
repeat last operation ;
zoom viewport in [
zoom viewport out ]
transform gizmo size down -
tarnsform gizmo size up =
auto smooth A
show main toolbar toggle alt+6
align alt + A
viewport background Alt + b
axis constraints alt + d
hide (poly) alt + h
hide unselected alt + I
normal align alt + n
isolated selection alt +q
unhide all alt + U
maximize viewport alt + w
bottom view b
camera view c
select all ctrl + a
create camera from view ctrl + c
select none crtl + D
select invert ctrl+I
orbit view mode ctrl + r
clone ctrl + v
expert mode ctrl + x
redo scene operation ctrl + y
undo scene operation ctrl + z
disable viewport d
select and rotate e
front view f
selected face wireframrs f2
smooth + highlight f3
view edged faces f4
render last f9
render setting f10
show grid g
selected by name h
selection bracket j
left view l
material editor toggle m
perspective user view p
render r
snaps toggle s
quick align shift + a
hide camera shift + c
viewport safeframes shift + f
hide geometry toggle shift + g
hide helpers toggle shift + h
spacing tool shift + i
hide light shift + l
render shift + q
hide shapes shift + s
redo viewport shift + y
undo viewport operation shift + z
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